I lend my voice to SOS Outaouais

Personal information
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In accordance with the terms of the Modernization of Personal Information Protection Legislation Act (commonly referred to as " Law25 "), we understand that you are giving your consent to the Gatineau Health Foundation to use your personal information in order toinform you of our events, to solicit you for a financial or volunteer contribution to our cause, to inform you of our developments, tothank you or to recognize your contribution. We understand that you also consent to the Gatineau Health Foundation collecting,disclosing, communicating and exchanging the personal information previously obtained from you to a third party to carry out theactions described above and in accordance with a confidentiality agreement obtained from that third party.
To learn more about the Gatineau Health Foundation's commitments in terms of confidentiality, please consult the Gatineau HealthFoundation's confidentiality policy, which is available at :
You may withdraw your consent to the collection, disclosure and sharing of personal information at any time. You may also requestrectification and access to your records by contacting the Privacy Officer at the following coordinates:
Jean Pigeon
Personal Information Officer
819-966-6108 ext. 309

Organization's registration number: 
10758 8477 RR0001
Time remaining in your session: 15 Time remaining in your session: 15